The Idea Behind The Quilt
How do you start your quilt making process? Do you make quilts for friends and family, or do you see a fabric and it immediately sparks an idea? The creativity that develops a quilt has always fascinated me and how unique it is to each person.
What makes you want to start a new quilt? A seemingly simple question but once you sit and think about it for awhile it develops into quite a complex answer. I find my reasoning often starts with emotion. I want a quilt to "feel" a certain way when it is complete. Therefor when I choose my fabrics it influences my choices. Helping clients in the beginning stages of their quilts has given me a true first hand experience at seeing what makes creativity blossom into a quilt.
"The quilt is for my bedroom and the colour scheme is beige and sea blue". Colour is one of the first steps when making your quilt. I know of a few quilters who first pick out the colours they want and only later find a pattern to work with the colours.
Colour speaks in emotion. "Oh blue is my grandson's favourite colour so it must be the main fabric." and so her quilt will be made in dashing blue fabric.
I had a client once tell me that her son, who tragically died in a car accident, had eyes as green as forest trees. In memory of him she wanted me to choose shades of green so that she could make a log cabin lest she ever forget her son's beautiful eyes.
A Challenge
Sometimes we want a challenge, to learn a new skill! You found a new pattern, joined a class or watched a YouTube video and you are inspired to start this new quilt. By tapping into this sort of creativity you broaden your quilting knowledge and have fun! Once complete, the sense of achievement is second to none.
I find I am often scared to try a new technique because failure is a huge fear of mine. Every time I have pushed past that fear though I have found I am more than capable with practice. There is grace to be found in trying, even when you fail.
You are gifting your best friend, aunt or mom a quilt. You look through your stash or browse through a quilt shop for the fabric you know she will love. You know she loves daises and the colour lilac. In your mind's eye you can already see the shapes and colours coming together to form the perfect gift for this special person in your life. That person's tastes, memories and feelings all influece the quilt you are about to make.
There is something special in gifting a quilt. The love and time that goes into it cannot be measured in time but only stitches, one at a time.
Next time you start a quilt...
Take a moment or two and think about what motivates you and inspires your quilts. I believe you could surprise yourself with the answer.
Regards in Stitches
A Pin Cushion Gal